Saturday, January 16, 2016

Delight yourself in the Lord

Psalm 37:4  Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

I signed up to teach another Bible study in January, Beth Moore’s study on John, The Beloved Disciple[1]. It amazed me how well I related with the characters surrounding Jesus’ life and crucifixion. They, too, went through a whirlwind of emotions, watching Jesus gain momentum, draw more and more followers, only to be captured and crucified before their eyes. They struggled with their doubts, wondering if they had mistaken the reality of Jesus and why they should follow Him. Yet witnessing His resurrection convinced them to tell as many people as possible about the reality of Christ.

When our adoption pursuit ended in “death,” God brought about a resurrection of hope with Julian. We watched God do amazing things for all of us, and I couldn’t keep my mouth shut about Him. My hunger and passion for the Word consumed me, and I poured my heart into teaching Bible studies and guiding others into Scripture. The more intimately I knew Christ, the more I wanted others to know Him that way, too.
The New Year always has a tendency to get you to reflect over everything you experienced in the previous year. What were the highlights or the lows?  Did you experience unforgettable moments, milestones, or hard things to swallow? What lessons did you learn? Did you have any huge revelations or ah-ha moments that left you standing speechless?
I began this New Year in awe of God turning our tragedy into a story of hope. I looked back and saw His fingerprints all over this last year of our life. How could I even begin to think of shutting up now? I couldn’t wait to start my next Bible study.
“Father, help me to communicate transparently enough with these ladies so You can speak boldly through me.” I wanted them to see Christ, not me.
The first assignment in the study led us each to write a letter to God, expressing the desires of our heart. I gave it a lot of thought and prayer before I started to write.


On the last morning of the retreat, she approached me, handed me my prayer bell and told me You led her to pray for me to receive the desires of my heart. I still remember how the tears immediately welled up in my eyes and began to fall—the first tears I cried all weekend.
Fully convinced You asked me to give the desires of my heart back to You that weekend and trust You to take care of them, her words caught me off guard. You asked me to put my precious treasures back in Your hands, just as You asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, the greatest desire of his heart.
So when she said those words, I didn’t understand what they meant. At that moment, I desired nothing more than to still bring the kids home, but I knew it wouldn't happen because You just asked me to let them go. I came home with the assurance that I would receive the desires of my heart, but I no longer knew what those desires were.
I’d long given up on my hope of serving in missions, I didn’t even have the slightest desire to conceive another child, and the thought of pursuing another adoption remained out of the question. They had my heart. So I've been on a quest over the last year to figure out exactly what my heart even still desired after all of this.
Now in retrospect, I see. You gave me new desires. I wanted to know more, anything at all, about Juan David and Viviana (even though I accepted that weekend I likely never would). I hoped to grow again in my faith, to find that intimacy with You like before. I wanted to involve ourselves heavily in ministry and to see a purpose for all that we suffered.
Now I can see You began by giving me a precious gift, a precious soul who became my "son" over the following year. You gave me Julian, and in doing so, You satisfied the desire of my heart to know more about Juan David and Viviana and how their life continued. You gave me closure with Juan David, eight months after my last phone call with him.
You gave me a new hope of missions and connected me with missionaries in Colombia I’d never even met before. You presented me opportunities to lead women’s Bible studies at Lake Pointe Church, each time bringing new relationships in my life to help me heal.
You taught me so much more about Your character, and You drew me into a more intimate relationship with You than I’d ever known. Through my pain and my broken heart, You held me together, carried me through each day when I had no strength left to stand, and became my ultimate Sustainer. You slowly healed me one day at a time, restored my brokenness, gave me a new purpose, and filled my heart with joy once again.
 Today, I again wonder what my heart truly desires. First and foremost, I want to see Julian give his life wholeheartedly to You. I want to meet him and be a godly mother figure to him for as long as he needs me. I want to stay connected to him for many years to come. I want to continue to grow closer to him, and I want the moment we meet to represent one of the most memorable moments of both of our lives.
I want to find a ministry to work with in Colombia—one we will come back to year after year or one we will eventually join full-time. I want to see our story come full circle so others cannot deny You have been at work all along, and they will see that only You could have orchestrated and authored a story like ours.
I want to publish my poetry. I want to write a book, to write full-time about Your awesome power and presence. I want to inspire others to dive into Your Word and to represent Your reality to others because they see You so clearly in me.
I hope for all of these opportunities. But God, more than anything else, I want my precious Viviana to be adopted into a Christian home where someone will teach her to love You deeply. I, of course, still want nothing more than to bring her home, to raise her myself. But to know she has a Christian mommy who loves You and will teach her to love You is my heart’s greatest desire.

Thank You for giving me the desires of my heart.

Your beloved daughter,
Rachelle (1/9/2011)

[1] Beloved Disciple, Beth Moore, 2002, Life Way Press.

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