Sunday, May 10, 2015

Divine Calculations

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Divine Calculations
So many appointments
and papers to track down,

so much of our income

going all over town.

What drove us to these measures

when we could just sit back?

Why go through all the trouble

when there are other things we lack?

Yet every penny spent

gives me an overwhelming joy,

to know that God provided it

all for an orphan girl and boy.

I gaze upon their picture

every morning as I pray.

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude

at how He's paved the way.

Sure, there have been some struggles,

surprising curves along our road,

but with our Divine compass,

the right direction always showed.

We haven't lacked a penny

to complete this paper chase.

We've never lacked direction

to make it through this maze.
God has given me such confidence,
knowing it's HIS timeline that counts.
He's provided all we've needed,
so who am I to have my doubts?

I know He brought these children
so clearly to our path.
It's all a matter of faith,
letting God do all the math.

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